Thursday, March 16, 2023


I have been deciding which of my friends would represent the role the best and look closest to "Mike" the character I'm portraying and I've chosen Ricardo Puig as I will be playing as Chloe.

"Mike": Ricardo is the guy on the right and this is the photo he begged me to use. Ricky will be wearing the hat with the black sunglasses and will be the assailant of the film. He will be using darker colors for the outfit. For the cinematographer, I will be using my friend Carolina or Lauren to help me film the scenes where me and Ricky are shown together, since he will be standing behind me or watching. If not, I will be filming the rest where it is just one person in the shot. 

"Chloe": I was debating whether to be the girl or not and instead use another one of my friends to portray the role, but I felt that since my car will be involved and I do represent the aesthetics and qualities of Chloe in her personality. This was a random photo I took at work and I felt that it gave off the characters vibes, so I decided to use it.

The other characters behind who will be probably in the background, will be random people that will hopefully be okay with me filming them and if not I will just ask because the park I am filming at does tend to get busy and I am deciding to film at around 5pm. 

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